Success!  Your baby is here.  Now what to do for your body?

What is termed the 4th trimester is the few months following delivery.  Your body, as you know,  has just gone through a lot the past 9 months plus.  Some changes probably happened slowly while others could have been noticeable immediately.  One of the changes that you may not have noticed is the fact that your joints became more mobile due to a loosening of your ligaments in order to prepare for your baby.  

The hormone relaxin which has been in your blood stream to relax the ligaments and allow the joints in your pelvis to expand, contort and allow your baby to get through is STILL in your body.  It can last for months afterwards.  If things are not aligned as they should be or are moving improperly, your recovery will be prolonged.  This is where chiropractic adjustments and modified therapy exercises come in.  You may not even realize the increased mobility of your joints but if you do not address the biomechanical issues in your 4th trimester, it will set you up for issues down the road.  This could take weeks, months or even years to get to the point at which you go to figure out what's wrong.  I would recommend not letting it get to that point.  Of course, if you have been seeing a chiropractor during your pregnancy, you will want to keep going!

I’ve seen many patients over the years who had pain come and go for months or years before they elected to do something about it.  Pain is your body’s way of telling you it’s gone too far.  What we suggest is to have an evaluation BEFORE all the relaxin in you body has gone away.  Give yourself a better start in the road to recovery. If you’re in the Seattle area and would like  more information, please give us a call, visit our website or check out  As a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, I have gone through additional certification in peri-natal care including the Webster Technique.  As soon as your midwife, Doctor or whomever is managing your postpartum care releases you to activity, come see us and see if we can help get you where you want to be.  

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